K-11 School Photos

Order School Photos BEFORE Photo Day

Powered by Image Connection

You have until midnight of your child’s photo day to PRE-PAY your order. Enter the link that was sent home with your child or in an email from your school.

Order School Photos AFTER Photo Day

On photo day, every child is photographed regardless of whether an order was placed. Their photo AND gallery code will be delivered to the school in 4-6 weeks. Each student will have their personal gallery code and pin to enter into the following section. If that time has passed and you still do not have your gallery code, then click here

Sports or Team Days

Order Sports Photos powered by

To view your sports photos, you will need the Access Code that was emailed to you. PhotoDay will find all your images and place them in a gallery for you.

Please call our office at 603-212-9090 if you’re having trouble finding your access code.

Missing Photos/Package

Mistakes Happen

And we want to help fix them. Fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.

Why are you reaching out?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Replace School ID

Need to Replace Your School ID?

No problem. Replacement ID badges are $10. Fill out the form below and a new badge will be sent to your school.

Step 1 of 3

Photo ID badge for students and staff.
Price: $10.00

Gallery Code Request

Gallery codes are delivered to the school 4-6 weeks after photo day. If that time frame as passed and you still haven’t received your code, then please fill out the form below. Or call our studio at 603-212-9090.

Was this taken on a "Retake Day"?(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.